Focusing on the Human Experience through connection, story telling and technology.
What I’ve Learnt
Educational Experience
I identify as a multi-potentialite. I have an insatiable appetite for learning. Sometimes to my own determent. I enjoy a variety of subjects.
It gives me great pleasure to stumble upon a new topic, an interesting fact, an innovation, or even sci-fi / fantasy novel.
The best part though, is finding ways to connect the dot. For example, lessons in parenting are often not far off from leadership, or reading a drawn out sci-fi novel gives great hints and examples of navigating the quagmire of office politics and organisational culture can often overlap with psychology, relationships and parenting principles.
But, you will find that there is general a golden thread through it all...the passion to understand humans and foster connection.
The list below is by no means the totality of my learning, but rather represents some of the highlights.
For a more detailed list, please check out my degreed profile.
UDEMY - The Art of Engagement and The Psychology of Motivation
The Art of Engagement and The Psychology of Motivation is a course that will teach you about human beings and what encourages them to do the things they do. This unique course is inspired not just from text books and science experiments, but from personal, first hand experience. Experience teaching children, managing teams and design applications.
Design for Humanity: A New Perspective on User Experience
Designing for humans is tough. We design for millions, but every interaction between our work and a user is personal, and we aren’t taught to take care with those interactions. We were taught set of tools for stress-testing our work to make sure it’s as human-centered, compassionate, and inclusive as possible
By the end of the course, we had gone through practical exercises around how to challenge our vision and design a compassionate user research process; seen how to improve interviews and talk to real people about their user experiences with your product; explored new ways to think outside as well as inside the box; and practiced ways to avoid the tunnel vision we all too often develop about our own work.
fundamentals of project management
University of Virginia, darden school of business
Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management
bachelor of arts cum laude anthropology
university of south africa
Majors in Psychology and Anthropology.
Minors in Communication Science, Education and Religious studies
Attained Distinction in Anthropology
train the trainer
Train the Trainer course
"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart."