Intention not Resolution for 2018

I know not all of us are back at work and our minds are still in holiday mode, but the below arrived in my inbox yesterday from someone very special to me and it got me thinking.

The 49 Best Lessons 2017 Taught Me - Robin Sharma

For me, the New Year is not about having resolutions but rather the tone with which I intend to roll out the rest of the year. This year especially because it is the start of a whole new kind of life for me.

For me, the New Year is not about having resolutions but rather the tone with which I intend to roll out the rest of the year. This year especially because it is the start of a whole new kind of life for me.

We don’t often get the chance to press a “reset” button, so to speak, or to be so thrown out of our comforts zones BY CHOICE. This year its about knowing, in part what is coming, and facing it consciously.

As I worked through 2016/2017, I met some incredible people, read some really inspirational books and have had amazing experiences on the journey through the year.

Thank you!

2017 was about intending to:

24. Learn for an hour a day, no matter what.

I call this The 60-Minute Student practice. Running this daily ritual will help you see opportunities others can’t and deliver value to your industry that others don’t. And this leads to your winning. - Inspired by Mark Sham and his personal story and passion for learning as well as Degreed and how they plan to transform people’s attitudes towards education.

27. Delete victimspeak from your languaging.

No more "I can’t" and "It’s not possible" and "It’s so hard." More "I will" and "This is awesome" and "What’s the opportunity here?" and no 44. Become a lion—never a sheep. Be a victor, not a victim. - Both Inspired by @Johan Sanei – His book "What’s your moonshot", his talks and posts.

What is your Moonshot

28. If you inspire one person each day, your day hasn’t been a waste.

It’s been a gift. –Inspired by Maria Monteiro and how she continually inspires others to be themselves

29. Living in the past is disrespectful to your future.

Inspired by Lynn Stevens who was my Executive mentor while on the Alexander Forbes Junior Board. In one session she spoke some incredibly profound words that touched me and helped me refocus my energy.

30. Build an amazing career but enjoy a gorgeous lifestyle along the way.

No sense in becoming a business legend but a human failure. – inspired by Licia Dewing, an incredible person, coach and career strategist, that helped me transform not only my career but also my being into someone far more authentic and in tune with herself.

Career Strategist

2018 isn’t about forgetting the above. I am still learning how to integrate those lessons each and every day. But I have learnt that setting an intention helps bring the right energy, people, lessons and experiences to my life.

So, reading through the article by Robin Sharma.

I chose these as my top intentions for 2018.

  • 8. Don’t do it if you’re not having fun. Let joy be your GPS

  • 14. The quickest way to build a superb business is to swiftly develop the leadership potential of every teammate.

  • 16. People are craving people of transparency, originality, authenticity and decency.Be one.

  • 22. Pursue progress instead of chasing perfection.

  • 41. Everyone’s in Human Resources. And we are all paid to develop the talents of the people we work with.

  • 48. It’s okay to be strange. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them

Live with Intention an Let's make 2018 a #dropthemic year!